U.S. CDC calls for more COVID-19 vaccinations among pregnant women
Sept 29 (Reuters) – The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Wednesday issued a health advisory to increase COVID-19 vaccinations among women who are pregnant, recently pregnant or trying to become pregnant, to prevent serious illness and death.
The CDC said its data showed only 31% of pregnant people have been vaccinated against COVID-19. Although more pregnant women are now vaccinated, the CDC said uptake of vaccines for pregnant women has been lower compared to the general population.
The health agency said in August pregnant women should be vaccinated against COVID-19, based on a new analysis that did not show increased risk for miscarriage.
The CDC said in addition to risks of severe illness and death for pregnant people, there is an increased risk of preterm birth in COVID-19 infected individuals.
The health agency, in its latest advisory, cited data that showed roughly 97% of pregnant people hospitalized with coronavirus were unvaccinated.