Tokyo says COVID-19 strain on hospitals severe, raises alert to highest | ReutersTOKYO (Reuters)
The Japanese capital of Tokyo said on Thursday the strain on its medical system from the COVID-19 pandemic was severe, raising its alert level to the highest of four stages as hospital beds filled up with rising infections.At a coronavirus monitoring committee meeting attended by Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike, a health official said it had become difficult to balance the care of COVID-19 patients with regular ones, assigning a “red” alert for medical preparedness for the first time.The number of positive cases in Tokyo hit a daily record of 678 cases on Wednesday, and the city a month ago raised its coronavirus alert for new infections – a separate category – to the highest level. It had kept its alert for medical preparedness at the second-highest level at the time, indicating a need to boost hospital capacity but a notch below critical conditions.L#manchesterunited#HealthForAll#HealthBroadcastingService#GlobalHealth#Covid-19#coronavirus#Health#paulpogba#ukcoronavirus#HealthBroadcastingServiceInPublicHealthPartnership#formula1abudhabi#timespersonoftheyear#manchesterunitedvsmanchestercity#sevillavsrealmadrid#pgaeuropeantour#billbailey#extraterrestriallife#vaccine#davidllander#paolorossi#leicestercityfc#elitedangerous#chelseavsleedsunited#bobingen#euromillions#softbank#ncis#capitalpunishment#juventusfc#denvernuggets#worldhealthorganisation#saturdaynightlive#robertwilkie#losangeleslakers #indianationalcricket#michaelschumacher…/uk-health-coronavirus-japan…